Yesterday, a new blog post has been published on ZBW Mediatalk in which I describe the history and the background of the EDaWaX-project that led to the development of the ZBW Journal Data Archive. The Journal Data Archive (JDA) is a service for editorial offices of journals in economics and partially also in the social sciences. Currently this service is free of charge and already two renowned journals are using our services productively.
The JDA offers direct linking between published research papers and the underlying data, that has been used to generate the findings of an article. The workflow is time-saving and easy to handle: Authors of a journal’s article submit their replication files to the system and describe these files with additional metadata. For us it was quite important to find a useful balance between the efforts a user has to invest to generate these additional metadata and the needs of our information systems. For the development of our metadata schema, we followed the motto ‘as much as necessary, as little as possible.’
Therefore, replication files published in the JDA receive a DOI – a persistent identifier. The replication files can be retreived via Google and also by disciplinary portals. Manuals for authors and editors are available and the system is able to adapt to many different workflows.
Editorial offices interested in using or testing the Journal Data Archive are kindly invited to get in touch with our team.
Photo: ‘MacBook iPad iPhone Vintage Camera‘ by SplitShire. License