We are very happy to announce that our research funding organisation, the German Research Foundation (DFG), has granted another two years of funding for our project.
In their final report, based on the good results of the project’s first funding phase, the reviewers concluded that EDaWaX’s planning for expanding the pilot application and for undertaking a detailed analysis of journals in business studies should be supported with “high”, respectively “highest priority.”
For the second funding phase we are very happy to have two more partners on board: the Research Data Centre of the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), which is part of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), and the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition. The latter mentioned institute already supported our project in the first funding phase and has now become a regular partner.
For the next 24 months, EDaWaX aims to accomplish ambitious goals – and we list only a few of our work packages in detail…
- We are going to broaden our analysis on incentive structures for sharing research data. Our partners from the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition are already in the process of analysing the citation rates of journals and journal articles with accompanying research data, in contrast to those without accompanying data. Based on these results we will be able to determine the effect of data disclosure on citations in economics.
- We are going to expand the analysis we conducted for economic journals to journals in business studies. In the end, we will be able to compare both economic subfields with regard to data availability in scholarly journals.
- The core of our second funding phase is the future development of our pilot application. In particular, we are going to integrate dissemination channels for the metadata of publication-related research data stored in our pilot application (e.g. for EconBiz and RePEc). Automatically minting DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers – a very popular persistent identifier) to thisdata as well as the integration of metadata catalogues of some important data centres from Germany and abroad are also part of the future development.
- Another important component of the second funding period is to build up a sustainable infrastructure framework for our application. In particular, the Research Data Centre of the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) is going to take over the storage, hosting and maintenance of data submitted to the application.
- Last but not least, we are going to expand the number of journals using the application. Giving advice with regard to the implementation of data availability policies and workflows is also part of this work package and part of our mission of providing services for economic research.
We are really excited and look forward to a very intensive and fruitful second project phase!
Picture: “lemur success kid” by Jes / mugley on flickr.com. License:CC BY-NC-ND 2.0